Welcome to The Biltong Company. One the UK’s leading supplier of a huge number of biltong & dry wors products for over ten years. We stock a wide variety of biltong and dry wors products making The Biltong Company a carnivore’s paradise. Our range includes biltong sticks, sliced biltong, chilli bites, original bites, dry wors, and beef jerky. We take great pride in producing the highest quality of products at an unbelievable price. Careful attention is paid to the production process from slicing the beef, roasting the spices, slowly marinating to finally air drying to achieve maximum perfection. Using only the finest cuts of beef and fresh spices, we absolutely guarantee that our biltong products are free from artificial flavourings, nitrates, and ‘E’ numbers, making our beef biltong the tastiest and freshest on the market.